Textbook Available for Purchase!
An important announcement regarding the availability of a refined and updated bound edition of site materials, suitable for the e-reader of your choice.
What’s the point of being a professor if you can’t require your students to pay for your overpriced textbook to boost your sales figures, publication stats, and meager professorial income?
Well, obviously it’s to pursue knowledge for its own sake and impart that knowledge by instruction, devious trickery, and occasionally brute force and/or nonconsensual psychic surgery to the sullen and unmotivated students in your care. Oh, and to elbow your way to the top of your field and rub the faces of your peers in your prestige.
BUT ALSO you can require your students to buy your textbook. And then watch them struggle to unload it on entering students in the next class, despite you having released a new and updated edition that the next wave of students will be required to buy instead.
If you’re just auditing these courses, understand that you’re getting the same tuition as a contracted student without the lifetime burdens that academia typically foists upon its own with hardly a second thought. If there’s even $5 worth of gratitude for getting off easy, click the image below and assuage your guilt. We’ll wait.
As for the textbook itself, it contains the entire contents of the curriculum, administrative notes, and student orientation materials to date, with a new introduction and a few updates and corrections. We’ve partnered with our colleagues at SRF Heavy Industries Document Division to produce and refine a professional-grade publication available in EPUB, AZW3, MOBI, and PDF versions to give you a range of reading options to suit your favorite devices—DRM-free, and you can download all of the formats if you wish so you can see which ones suit you best.
This also gives you an option for contributing to the support of this project without having to send money to our hosts at Substack, which we fully understand is problematic due to their enablement of the distribution of certain odious cultural poisons entirely incompatible with any healthy civilization—and of course completely at odds with our own brand of cultural poisons that we cultivate and distribute here.
Every purchase/donation via the above link funnels your support to our overworked and hilariously underfunded staff via Ko-Fi, where you may also choose to pledge relatively pain-free/spam-free monthly support. If you choose to support our project in that manner, we can make sure that future downloads of such materials are free to try to make it worth your while. Likewise, if you are a patron at our Patreon, you will find all of our material available, frequently as sneak preview editions.
Thank you for your patronage and your support—in whatever form it may take. Even if you can’t afford for it to be financial at this time.
Recommending this wad of psychic damage to unsuspecting friends is always appreciated.